
Styles House TMO is a company registered with the Financial Services Authority and will have a contract to manage housing services on behalf of Southwark Council, set out in a Management Agreement. According to its constitution/rules, the TMO is run by a Board of between five and nine residents who have overall responsibility for the management of the company. The Board is elected each year at the annual general meeting (AGM) by the shareholders.

Styles House is a small TMO and needs to work efficiently. Sub Committees will be kept to a minimum. The main Board will monitor repairs, cleaning, caretaking and procurement. There will be four specialist Sub Committees which support the Board of Management in its workload and responsibilities:

1. Finance (audit, income and expenditure, arrears control, payroll, VAT, cheque and payment authority signatories, financial reporting)

2. New Office/Income generation (strategy and pricing for community hall and other income generating initiatives)

3. Human Resources (performance, terms and conditions, welfare, annual leave, sickness, salary)

4. TRA social committee (events, Open Gardens scheme)

5. Communications (website and information systems)

Styles House TMO is committed to meeting the highest standards of governance. To ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and the management agreement, we will keep our governance arrangements under constant review. As part of this process the Board will complete an annual self assessment and hold a Board Away Day each September to review its current performance and agree an action plan to ensure it continues to be effective and add value.

Modular Management Agreement

Meeting Minutes

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Filename / LinkSize
2020 01192.76 Kb
2020 03186.56 Kb

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2019 01229.02 Kb
2019 05186.57 Kb
2019 07187.58 Kb
2019 09199.48 Kb

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2018 01194.2 Kb
2018 03162.83 Kb
2018 05155.71 Kb
2018 08159.86 Kb
2018 09156.58 Kb
2018 11167.26 Kb

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2017 03 0865.91 Kb
2017 05 1080.96 Kb
2017 07 0575.18 Kb
2017 10 0872.1 Kb

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2016 02 1162.43 Kb
2016 04 1353.52 Kb
2016 06 1564.05 Kb
2016 10 12522.56 Kb
2016 12 14509.39 Kb

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2015 01 17227.63 Kb
2015 02 04278.38 Kb
2015 03 12297.64 Kb
2015 04 08282.25 Kb
2015 05 1261.36 Kb
2015 07 0958.98 Kb
2015 09 09272.57 Kb
2015 10 0856.99 Kb
2015 11 1056.22 Kb
2015 12 1053.59 Kb

Filename / LinkSize
2014 01 2262.96 Kb
2014 02 1962.3 Kb
2014 03 1971.6 Kb
2014 05 1371.75 Kb
2014 07 1084.65 Kb
2014 08 1194.91 Kb
2014 09 1070.92 Kb
2014 11 1355.42 Kb
2014 12 10220.9 Kb

Policies and Proceedures